
A Vector object represents an immutable, three-dimensional mathematical vector. Vectors can represent many things, such as velocity or position.


This refers to the class com.crowsofwar.gorecore.util.Vector class, not in any related openGL or JOML packages

Basic Usage

Vectors can be created using the appropriate constructor, such as new Vector(x, y, z). Their coordinates can be retrieved via the x(), y(), and z() methods.

Vectors have many different methods to perform basic computations. As a vector is immutable, these methods create a new vector based on the old one and the parameters. Methods use the fluid interfaces naming convention. For example, addition is performed via the plus method.

Method chaining is encouraged. Consider the following code:

Vector motion = /* ... */;
motion = motion.times(2);
motion = motion.plusY(1);
motion = motion.times(-1);

The same could be accomplished much more concisely via method chaining:

Vector motion = /* ... */;
motion = motion.times(2).plusY(1).times(-1);


There are also several methods that deal with physics and trigonometry.

  • To convert from and to spherical (polar) coordinates, use Vector#toSpherical() or Vector#toRectangular()
  • To get rotations between vectors, use Vector#getRotationTo(from, to)
  • To reflect vectors off a normal, use Vector#reflect(normal)


For vectors which represent rotation (Euler angles), the y-component represents yaw and the x-component represents pitch. The z-component is unused as Minecraft doesn’t support roll. Methods will say whether the rotation is in degrees or radians.

Minecraft integration

Vectors were designed to be used in a Minecraft environment, so there are some methods which allow convenient usage of Vectors with entities.

  • To get an entity’s position, use Vector#getEntityPos(entity). To get their eye position, use Vector#getEyePos(entity)
  • To get an entity’s motion, use Vector#getVelocity(entity). The velocity is in meters per second (20 ticks).
  • To get the direction in which an entity is looking in rectangular coordinates, use Vector#getLookRectangular(entity)
  • To convert to a BlockPos, use Vector#toBlockPos()
  • To find the direction to lob a projectile, use Vector#getProjectileAngle(velocity, gravity, horizontalDist, verticalDist)


Find the direction to other location

Vector us = /* ... */;
Vector them = /* ... */;
Vector directionTo = Vector.getRotationTo(us, them);
double yaw = directionTo.y();
double pitch = directionTo.x();

Check if two positions are within 10 blocks of each other

Vector pos1 = /* ... */;
Vector pos2 = /* ... */;
// Use Square Distance here to avoid a sqrt operation
// Sqrt is expensive so avoid it if possible
double distSq = pos1.sqrDist(pos2);
boolean within10Blocks = distSq <= 10 * 10; // if distance is squared, need to square other side as well

Find the position of where the player is looking, 3 blocks ahead

EntityPlayer player = /* ... */;
Vector position = Vector.getEyePos(player); // use getEyePos not getEntityPos
Vector look = Vector.getLookRectangular(player);
Vector lookPosition =; // using .plus() here since .add() would modify position
// Note: this shouldn't be used for calculating the block player is looking at
//  since it doesn't take into account any blocks in the way of the player
// For that purpose, use Raytrace instead